Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Eat healthy,live healthy and glow healthy

What you put on your plate is even more important than what you put on your skin.

Want truly fabulous skin -- glowing, vibrant, and, yes, younger-looking skin? Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy skin diet.

"Everything you eat becomes a part of not only your inner being, but the outer fabric of your body as well. The healthier the foods are that you consume, the better your skin will look," says Samantha Heller, MS, RD, a clinical nutritionist at NYU Medical Center in New York City.

The reverse is true as well, Heller tells WebMD. The less attention we pay to eating a healthy skin diet, the more problems we may see cropping up with our skin.

"You could have sallow skin, dry skin, older-looking skin. It's not going to happen overnight, but starve your skin long enough, and it's going to show," she says.

What's more, some health experts believe that when your diet is missing certain foods for healthy skin, other, even more serious skin problems can result.

"You may find yourself suddenly breaking out in acne, eczema, psoriasis. Any number of chronic skin problems can be directly linked to diet," says biochemist Elaine Linker, PhD, co-founder of DDF skin care.

What Foods Are Included in a Healthy Skin Diet?
Most experts say paying attention to balanced nutrition is the best way to make sure you're eating a healthy skin diet. Still, a number of specific skin treats are more likely than others to give a boost of glowing good health to your complexion. Here's what experts told WebMD are the most important:

Low-Fat Dairy Products
One the most important components of a healthy skin diet is vitamin A. One of the best places to get it is low-fat dairy products. In fact, experts say that the health of our skin cells is dependent on dietary vitamin A.

Nutrition expert Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN, says it's doubly important to eat A-rich dairy foods if you have either diabetes or a thyroid condition.

"Many people who have these problems can't convert the beta-carotene to vitamin A, which is the form found in many foods that we normally associate with this vitamin, such as carrots," says Lipski, the founder and director of InnovativeHealing.com and the author of Digestive Wellness.

The A in dairy products, she says, is "true A," so everyone's skin can use it.

Lipski says low-fat yogurt is not only high in vitamin A, but also acidophilus, the "live" bacteria that is good for intestinal health. Turns out, it may also have an impact on the skin.

"Anything that helps keep digestion normal, any live bacteria or enzymes, is also going to be reflected in healthy-looking skin," says Lipski.

Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums
The common link between these four foods is their high antioxidant content. In a study recently published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, these four fruits weighed in with the highest "total antioxidant capacity" of any food. The benefits of these foods for a healthy skin diet are plentiful.

Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums continued...
"Free radicals -- like the kind formed from sun exposure -- damage the membrane of skin cells, potentially allowing damage to the DNA of that cell," says Heller. The antioxidants and other phytochemicals in these fruits can protect the cell, she says, so there is less chance for damage.

"When you help protect the cells from damage and disintegration, you also guard against premature aging. In this respect, these fruits may very well help keep your skin younger looking longer," says Heller.

According to the new study, other fruits and vegetables with a "high antioxidant capacity" include artichokes, beans (the study cited black, red, and pinto), prunes, and pecans.

Salmon, Walnuts, Canola Oil, and Flaxseed
These seemingly unrelated foods all deliver essential fatty acids, and thus are key elements in a healthy skin diet.

"Essential fatty acids are responsible for healthy cell membranes, which is not only what act as barriers to harmful things but also as the passageway for nutrients to cross in and out and for waste products to get in and out of the cell," says Ann Yelmokas McDermott, PhD, a nutritionist at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston.

Because it is the cell membrane that also holds water in, the stronger that barrier is, the better your cells can hold moisture. And that means plumper, younger looking skin.

Also, says Heller, the same inflammatory process that can harm our arteries and cause heart disease can harm skin cells. Essential fatty acids are important in a healthy skin diet because they can offer protection to both.

The best-known essential fatty acids are omega-3 and omega-6, which must be in balance for good health (and good skin). Though we all seem to get enough omega-6, Heller says many people lack omega-3s. Fish, walnuts, and flaxseed oil are among the best sources.

Healthy Oils
These contain more than essential fatty acids. Eating good-quality oils helps keep skin lubricated and keeps it looking and feeling healthier overall, Lipski tells WebMD.

Which oils are the right ones for healthy skin? Lipski says those labeled cold pressed, expeller processed, or extra virgin are the oils to look for in a healthy skin diet.

"When an oil is commercially processed, the first thing they do is add solvents and raise them to really high temperatures, then put it though five or six processes. Important nutrients are lost," says Lipski.

By comparison, she says when oils are prepared by the cold-press or expeller process, or, in the case of olive oil, are extra virgin, preparation involves only pressing, heating, and bottling.

"You get all the nutrients that are not only good for your skin, but good for your body," says Lipski.

Since any fat, even a healthy one, is high in calories, experts remind us that we don't need more than about 2 tablespoons a day.

Whole-Wheat Bread, Muffins, and Cereals; Turkey, Tuna, and Brazil Nuts
The mineral selenium is the ingredient that makes all these foods important in a healthy skin diet. Experts say selenium plays a key role in the health of skin cells. Some studies show that even skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer consequences if selenium levels are high.

For instance, in two clinical trials, researchers at Edinburgh University showed that when levels of selenium were high, skin cells were less likely to suffer the kind of oxidative damage that can increase the risk of cancer. The results were published in 2003 in both the British Journal of Dermatology and the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. And a group of French researchers found that oral doses of selenium, along with copper, vitamin E, and vitamin A could prevent sunburn cell formation in human skin.

What's more, Lipsky says that filling up on whole-grain products leaves less room for the "white" foods that are a worse choice for skin health. These include white-flour items (bread, cake, and pasta), sugar, and white rice. All can affect insulin levels and cause inflammation that may ultimately be linked to skin breakouts.

Green Tea
This beverage deserves a category all its own in any article about a healthy skin diet. The skin-health properties in this beneficial drink just can't be beat.

"It has anti-inflammatory properties, and it's protective to the cell membrane. It may even help prevent or reduce the risk of skin cancer," says Lipski.

Indeed, a study published recently in the Archives of Dermatology shows that whether taken orally or applied to the skin, green tea can reduce the risk of damage from ultraviolet light (such as the burning rays of the sun), and thus reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Heller adds that the polyphenols in green tea have anti-inflammatory properties that are also beneficial to skin health overall.

While the exact amount you should drink each day varies, no one disputes the role good hydration plays in a healthy skin diet. When that hydration comes from pure, clean water -- not liquids such as soda or even soup -- experts say skin cells rejoice.

"It is my belief that our skin needs at least a half gallon of good clean water -- that's about eight glasses -- every day," says Lipski.

While any good, clean water will keep your body and your skin hydrated, Lipski says hard water, the kind high in minerals, is especially good. Using water softeners to de-mineralize drinking water may reduce some of the potentially helpful effects.

"A water softener may help your plumbing, but it's hard water that is better for your health," she says.

In addition to keeping cells hydrated, water helps cells move nutrients in and toxins out, which Lipski says automatically leaves skin looking better.

She adds that when we're properly hydrated, we also sweat more efficiently. Doing so helps keep skin clean and clear as well.

peace and take care

reduce stress and earn a glowing skin

There are many ways to reduce tension and relax. Here are the ten stress relievers I believe are most effective for the amount of work and time involved. Some can be learned in the time it takes to read this page, while others take a little more practice, but there's something here for everyone!

1. Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing is an easy stress reliever that has numerous benefits for the body, including oxygenating the blood, which ‘wakes up’ the brain, relaxing muscles and quieting the mind. Breathing exercises are especially helpful because you can do them anywhere, and they work quickly so you can de-stress in a flash. The Karate Breathing Meditation is a great exercise to start with, and this basic breathing exercise can be done anywhere!

There are many ways to reduce tension and relax. Here are the ten stress relievers I believe are most effective for the amount of work and time involved. Some can be learned in the time it takes to read this page, while others take a little more practice, but there's something here for everyone!

1. Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing is an easy stress reliever that has numerous benefits for the body, including oxygenating the blood, which ‘wakes up’ the brain, relaxing muscles and quieting the mind. Breathing exercises are especially helpful because you can do them anywhere, and they work quickly so you can de-stress in a flash. The Karate Breathing Meditation is a great exercise to start with, and this basic breathing exercise can be done anywhere!

2. MeditationMeditation builds on deep breathing, and takes it a step further. When you meditate, your brain enters an area of functioning that’s similar to sleep, but carries some added benefits you can’t achieve as well in any other state, including the release of certain hormones that promote health. Also, the mental focus on nothingness keeps your mind from working overtime and increasing your stress level. Here's an article on different types of meditation to help you get started.

.3. Guided Imagery
It takes slightly more time to practice guided imagery, but this is a great way to leave your stress behind for a while and relax your body. Some find it easier to practice than meditation, as lots of us find it more doable to focus on ‘something’ than on ‘nothing’. You can play natural sounds in the background as you practice, to promote a more immersive experience.

.4. VisualizationsBuilding on guided imagery, you can also imagine yourself achieving goals like becoming healthier and more relaxed, doing well at tasks, and handling conflict in better ways. Also, visualizing yourself doing well on tasks you’re trying to master actually functions like physical practice, so you can improve your performance through visualizations as well!

.5. Self-hypnosis
Self-hypnosis incorporates some of the features of guided imagery and visualizations, with the added benefit of enabling you to communicate directly you’re your subconscious mind to enhance your abilities, more easily give up bad habits, feel less pain, more effectively develop healthier habits, and even find answers to questions that may not be clear to your waking mind! It takes some practice and training, but is well worth it. Learn more about using hypnosis to manage stress in your life.

.6. Exercise
Many people exercise to control weight and get in better physical condition to become more healthy or physically attractive, but exercise and stress management are also closely linked. Exercise provides a distraction from stressful situations, as well as an outlet for frustrations, and gives you a lift via endorphins as well. This article can tell you more about the stress management benefits of exercise, and help you get more active in your daily life.

.7. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
By tensing and relaxing all the muscle groups in your body, you can relieve tension and feel much more relaxed in minutes, with no special training or equipment. Start by tensing all the muscles in your face, holding a tight grimace ten seconds, then completely relaxing for ten seconds. Repeat this with your neck, followed by your shoulders, etc. You can do this anywhere, and as you practice, you will find you can relax more quickly and easily, reducing tension as quickly as it starts!

.8. Sex
You probably already know that sex is a great tension reliever, but have you officially thought of it as a stress-relieving practice? Perhaps you should. The physical benefits of sex are numerous, and most of them work very well toward relieving stress. Sadly, many people have less sex when their stress levels are high. Learn how to avoid this trap!

.9. MusicMusic therapy has shown numerous health benefits for people with conditions ranging from mild (like stress) to severe (like cancer). When dealing with stress, the right music can actually lower your blood pressure, relax your body and calm your mind. Here are some suggestions of different types of music to listen to, and how to use music in your daily life for effective stress management.

.10. YogaYoga is one of the oldest self-improvement practices around, dating back over 5 thousand years! It combines the practices of several other stress management techniques such as breathing, meditation, imagery and movement, giving you a lot of benefit for the amount of time and energy required. Learn more about how to manage stress with yoga.

Peace and take care

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hi there beauties,
For me, every soul is beautiful in it's own unique way.The point is how to make the world to see that beauty of yours.I have always believed if your simple at heart,kind and loving,your body and skin will always give likewise aroma and tell tales to your surrounding.have you ever heard people quote" He is so brotherly/fatherly" or "She is so motherly/sisterly".Well !! tell me.

Now I am not here to make you good from inside...that you have to work yourself.I am here to enhance your beauty of the skin .Here we go...

Some easy to follow tips if you yearn for those model like glowing skin...

Firstly,determin your skin type:dry,oily,sensitive or combination.
Never forget to rinse,tone,moisturize your skin on daily level.
Ok! here we go...

Habits tips

  • First and foremost," Early to bed and early to rise,makes a person healthy,wealthy and wise".I should add..beautiful too.No dark circles to start with.
  • Keep your face relaxed as often as possible in comparison to keeping it in awed or frowning expression.If possible try to smile more often
  • Quit touching your face more often,it's not a very advising habit.
  • Never wipe the water after washing your face.Let it air dry.
  • Always use mild soaps like Dove.
  • Never over do with make-up.Let your skin breath.

Diet tips

  • Drink more water, instead of juice and sodas.
  • Want truly fabulous skin -- glowing, vibrant, and, yes, younger-looking skin? Make sure you're putting foods for healthy skin on your plate.
  • Try to eat healthy food rich in all nutrients that is good for your epidermis.mainly green vegetables,fruits and seasonal stuff.
  • Avoid if possible taking frozen food and try replacing it with fresh ones.Try cooking once a while instead of microwaving it from box.
  • Avoid peeling the skin of fruits or the fine roots(carrots etc) of vegetables since they are good source of fibre.
  • Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums. The common link between these four foods is their high antioxidant content
  • More healthy less oily food you take,lesser digestive problems and greater looking body as well as skin.

Home made beauty tips

  • Try taking first thing in morning mixture of lukewarm water and lime juice.It will make your skin glow in few days.
  • Apply mixture of lime juice,turmeric,yogurt on your face.It will make your skin soft like a baby
  • Apply rose water on your face as often as possible.Will do wonders.
  • Instead of using harsh chemicals prefer home made cleansers.
  • Never wipe your face after cleaning it.Let it dry by itself.
  • If its dry,try using olive or almond oil.
  • If its oily try using gram flour mixed in yogurt and pinch of turmeric.
  • rubbing tomato/lime/citrus fruits on face is good too.Even using almond paste is good.

Next time when your partners asks"Your skin is glowing..is it Dove?"..You can pamper him by replying " No ..its LOVE".

See you all soon..

Take care.